More stockings? Yes, please!
My biggest research project so far has been an investigation of the stockings from the 16th and 17th centuries. However, my work did not end with the publishing of the article in Archaeological Textiles Review . During CoVid lockdown, I managed to track down another pair of stockings, and as soon as the lockdown in our country ended, I went to see them. They belonged to Johann Sporck (?1595-1679), originally a German peasant, who joined the army at the beginning the Thirty Years War. He gradually rose in rank and shortly before the end of the war was ennobled. He died as the Count von Sporck and owner of rich estates in Bohemia. Kuks - the burial place of the Sporck family in Eastern Bohemia Unlike other stockings I have studied, his burial stockings were knitted from wool; not in as a fine gauge as silk stockings, but still quite fine: 50 loops (stitches) and 100 courses (rounds) per 10 cm. The legs of the stockings are similar to other stockings I have seen, but the fee...